Tuesday, May 3, 2011

sudden death!!

dah berzaman tak update..i never tot i'l blog lagi..but this time,i have too..
it is about yesterday..

its a public holiday sempena labour day.hari yang tenang.tak berapa huru-hara coz tak bekerja. relax.boleh la kemas bilik yang mcm puting beliung.petang tu, i was planning to hantar my cousin to her school at kajang. tiba2 my father balik n cakap: "hana, uncle manny dah tak de?".. i was like, uncle who?? then, he ask me, how many ppl by the name of manny did u know?
omg!omg! i was so speeceless.. uncle manny dah takde? just like that.. i just talk about him last night and i really wanted to see him while he was here.. btw, uncle manny is actually aunty marisa's brother..

Aunty Marisa(my mom's best friend:we were like family already)
Wali(aunty marisa's son:he's like my lil bro)

it was rather shocking because uncle manny came here(i mean to malaysia,btw, he's phillipino) with his two sons to spend their holiday together.. sape sangka masa tengah bergembira with his two sons n Wali main go kart, ajal dia sampai..siapa sangka..
hari ni dah buat post-mortem n i was informed that it was due to heart attack.
bayangkan, kita kat tempat anak2 dia..i tak tau mcm mane nak fikir.. dah takdir(bak kata orang, but it easier said than menanggung rasa tu)..
kejadian tu around 4.30pm, i sampai hospital around 6.30pm..
tak sampai hati tgk d face of the two son(jassie n miggie)..be strong both of u, i know your papa love u very much..

tak tido i semalaman,bkn tak boleh terima kenyataan..tapi lebih kepada terkejut. ajal boleh datang bila2 masa.tapi problemnya,dah bersedia kah kita??

to uncle manny, may your soul rest in peace..